Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fred Jaeger and Ella Jonas

Ida Margaret Jaeger
Ambrose (Larry) Lawrence O'Connell

Fred and Ella's daughter Ida was Ambrose O'Connell's third wife. Ambrose and Ida are my Grandparents.

1860 Federal Census -3

1860 Federal Census -2

1860 Federal Census -1

Kreativ Blogger Award

Lucky for me that I checked my Blog today. I have not really been doing a lot of research on my family tree this past week. Today, I happened to make a phone call and of course I had to blog about it. To my surprise, Gini  picked me to receive the Kreativ Blogger Award. I never really felt my blog was creative, I just wanted somewhere to keep track of my research and how it makes me feel when I find answers that I have been searching for. It is great. 

Thanks Gini, you have inspired me to make sure I am doing something on my tree each week and to keep blogging about it. 

The instructions for the Kreativ Blooger Award are:
1. Copy of the award to your site.
2. Link to the person from whom you received the award.
3. Nominate 7 other bloggers. (how to choose only 7!!)
4. Link to those sites on your blog.
5. Leave a message on the blogs you nominate.

My nominee is:

Since I do not have many blogs that I follow, (only 2) and it seems all those I have looked at have received the award as well.

John and Bridget O'Connell

Today I called the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church in Middle Granville, NY. It seems this is one of a few Churches in this Catholic community. I spoke to a very nice lady who is going to look in their records to see what she can find for Bridget (Curran) O'Connell. I am hoping that this is the Church that Bridget grew up in. Obviously I know that she was buried there. I also know that her son Dennis was baptized there.  So it seems there is some tie with Bridget and this Church. She asked that I give them a week to go through their records and give them a call back. I look forward to making the follow up call, hopefully they will have a some great finds for me.  

Sad news is this Church will hold its last service on Easter Sunday of this year. This Church has been in this community for 100+ years. It is sad that something that has been around so long is going to close it's doors for the last time.

With working full time it seems there is never enough time to put into my family tree. Though this past week I have been able to put my family tree on Which has been great, I have found some links on other lines of my family that I have not been paying any attention to. I am really excited about that. Of course, I need to go over all of the sources to double and triple check everything. I have some ancestors that I need to go and prove some family stories on. Which I look forward to spending time on that.